DNA Breed Profile Testing Rate Structure Change

GREAT NEWS – The cost for DNA Breed Profile testing, required for all Duroc, Landrace, Hampshire, and Yorkshire boars siring purebred litters, has been reduced to $70 per sample. If you submit your DNA samples within 6 months from the date of sale (for purchased boars) or 12 months from birth (for raised boars), your DNA Breed Profile testing cost will be reduced to $70 per sample. If you submit your DNA sample more than 6 months from the date of purchase, or over 12 months of age, your fees will be assessed based on the rate schedule below. This policy will not affect retested samples – the fee will be based on the original submission date. For members testing small pigs or females, the rate will be $70.

New DNA Breed Profile testing cost fee structure

Raised Purchased Breed Profile Cost

12 months of age or less

6 months from purchase date or less


12 to 18 months of age

6 to 12 months from purchase date


Greater than 18 months of age

Greater than 12 months from purchase date


The fees for a DNA card, DNA Banking, and HAL-Stress testing will remain the same.
Test Cost

DNA Card


DNA Banking


Stress Test


If you have any questions, please contact Doug Newcom, Vice President of Genetics and Technology (newcom@nationalswine.com). This policy change takes affect with samples received on or after March 1, 2021.

NJSA Junior DNA Testing Update

NJSA junior animals tested in conjunction with NJSA and Affiliate shows have historically been required to be stress (HAL1843) negative, parentage test to their sire of record, and (for Hampshire’s) pass the Hampshire Color Test (HCT). Beginning June 1, 2022, all junior animals tested in conjunction with an NJSA or Affiliate show must pass their breed’s respective DNA Breed Profile Test in addition to being stress (HAL1843) negative, parentage test to their sire of record, and (for Hampshire’s) pass the Hampshire Color Test.

If an animal fails their breeds’ respective DNA Breed Profile Test, policies in the NJSA Handbook will be implemented (the same way it has been done in the past for failed tests):


The simple explanation is this: the animal will be disqualified, the animal’s pedigree will be cancelled, the exhibitor will keep their awards and premiums, and the breeder of the animal will be required to reimburse NJSA the cost of awards and premiums received by the exhibitor.

If you have questions, please contact the Vice President of Genetics & Technology, Dr. Doug Newcom (newcom@nationalswine.com).

Landrace Policy Updates

The American Landrace Association Board of Directors voted on March 23, 2021 to begin a process of increasing their minimum requirement for DNA Breed Composition for Landrace sires. The DNA Breed Composition requirement to sire purebred Landrace litters will increase each year on January 1, starting January 1, 2022 and continue until January 1, 2025, when the Landrace requirement will be equivalent to the Duroc, Hampshire and Yorkshire requirements. Sires meeting the requirement under the current policy will be grandfathered into the updated program, along with sires who meet the requirement during the subsequent updating process. “Breed Points” will not be updated given the new minimum requirement

For any other questions, please contact the Vice President of Genetics & Technology, Dr. Doug Newcom  (newcom@nationalswine.com).

Hampshire Sire Passed List


Hampshire Sire Validation List


DNA Article